Thursday, August 7, 2008

LiSteninG Prayer

The next time you have a "date" with God, why not try something new. Why don't you spend some time, just listening to God. After praying a brief prayer for His presence, why don't you sit and wait for Him to respond?

Steps in journeying with God thru "Listening Prayer"

Set aside at least 30 minutes and quiet yourself.
If stray thoughts come to mind, write tem on paper.

Read the Bible, ask the Lord to speak through it in a way you'd understand.

Ask God to protect you from deception.

Write down your question for prayer.

Pause, wait, listen.

God may direct you to another passage of Scripture. He may share a tender word.
Whatever you feel He may be saying, write it down. Ask Him to confirm what HE shared.

Remember that God promised to be "found" when we seek HIm.
God Bless!

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